On Tue, 2011-03-15 at 03:45 +0100, Yvan Volochine wrote:
> > I'm trying to get recentfiles written to ~/.pdsettings and I think I'm
> > missing something obvious.
> > (see my patch attached or here: http://pastebin.com/3apUXLzs ).
> >
> > so far I can read from .pdsettings and get the recentfiles in the File
> > menu (when I wrote them in theremanually)
> > but, in s_files.c/glob_savepreferences():
> >
> > char *pathelem = namelist_get(recentfiles_list, i)
> >
> > does not make it.
> > I think that I don't really understand the way pd and the gui
> > communicate with each other.
> I think I found my error.
> should I add a method in m_glob.c that appends a filename to recentfiles_list.
> then when opening a window in Tcl, send the new filename to pd (please
> correct me if I'm wrong) ?
> I'll try after sleeping a bit :)

Hey Yvan,

It's great that you are taking this on, its definitely useful.  I think
that it might make more sense to create a separate GUI-only preference
system. Its something that I had planned on trying, but hadn't found the
time, so it'd be great if you beat me to it!

This way it would be a lot easier to deal with, you can do everything
from Tcl.


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