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On 2011-10-05 18:16, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:05 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> The logfile I see says its set to:
> PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/sw/bin:/sw/sbin
> http://autobuild.puredata.info/auto-build/2011-10-05/logs/2011-10-05_03.15.09_darwin_macosx105-i386_pd-extended.txt

the same logfiles also says:
PATH: /sw/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/sw/bin:/sw/sbin

> Its set in run-automated-builder here:
> # On Mac OS X, there are some handy things in Fink, but don't override the
> # built-in tools
> PATH="${PATH}:/sw/bin:/sw/sbin"
> export PATH
> This is set like this so that we can ensure that Fink is not required
> for building things that use autotools.  Most Mac OS X users do not have
> Fink, MacPorts, Brew, etc. installed, so things like libraries really
> should build without Fink. 

if there is no fink at all, then this shouldn't be a problem either.
the way zexy's autogen.sh script worked, it might mix up the two.

but as i said, that is supposed to be fixed.

> I don't really know what the issue here. 

i set the PATH too late, resulting in using the system's autoreconf, but
the system's autoreconf would then (eventually) use (some of) the
autoconf tools from fink.

> And don't forget, in every build, it runs ./autogen.sh && ./configure in
> pd/ and that is working. 

i think i already got that part.

>  Following that hunch, I copied the
> pd/autogen.sh into zexy/autogen.sh and it works fine in the auto-build

not needed any more, see above

> 'pd' acccount.  Also, on my 10.5 machine, I load Fink using . ".
> /sw/bin/init.sh", so the path is prepended, and it still doesn't work,
> but with a different error:

which suggests that your libtool setup is broken :-)

you could try comparing the ./libtool generated on your machine and the
one generated on the PdLab machine.

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