Damian Stewart a écrit :

because (correct me if I'm wrong) no-one else seems willing to. because the feeling i get from the community here is that even if i do write an incredibly detailed and amazing bug report /no-one is going to care because it's the windows version/.

Have you got an example in your archive?
midi on windows is my main sticking point. if people care about the the windows version, why is midi on windows /still/ 'dangerous'? surely midi control is fundamental to serious performance-based usage of a program like pd?

I don't, I have not experienced crashes caused by MIDI in pd, anyway, I am trying to not use MIDI under windows for reasons explained in last post, and pd has nothing to do with encountered problem with this obsolete protocol.

i mean building my own GUI objects, which working along with the pd program itself.
What's the efficiency problems with Toxy/[widget]? It works good on my machines (loads fast, doesn't lag...) and it's possible to make very nice things with, like a movie viewer, an explorer fork, only ix has done some work with it, but this work seems to be a good start, for making something pretty, fast and usefull.
i was wanting to experiment with using directx rather than tcl/tk for rendering graphics to get some real high-performance stuff going on,
Really? Would you be interested about using DELPHI for this project?
which is going to require building in c, which as i understand it requires a pd.lib.

Well I am still a newbee and doesn't understand why pd.lib is required for building in C.



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