I'd like to propose that we include a default font in the Pd-extended packages and that anything that uses fonts use the included font. I know that the aesthetics of fonts are generally very contentious, I would like to avoid that issue entirely. Instead this is an issue of usability. People can use and learn much quicker if there is a default font setup that's easy to use.

So we need a font that is compatible with the GPLv2, since Pd- extended is distributed under that license. I found Gentium, which is released under the Open Font License, which is a free license (FSF and DFSG approved).

Using Gentium as a default font would not prevent people from using whatever font they wanted, it would just be the default so that font things "just work" when you try them. Also Gentium has very good support for as many languages as possible.


Including it in the package is easy. I am posting this email in the hopes that I can get the developers of Gem, Gridflow, PDP, PiDiP and whatever else uses fonts to use this as the default.



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