i can only speak for myself, but for several reasons i like ubuntu the
most. also i get the impression, that it grows to one of the biggest
linux communities, so you are not alone, if you encounter troubles. 

if you are after a compiled pd-extended anyway, visit
http://at.or.at/hans/pd/installers.html to see, which distros are
supported (also here, ubuntu is well supported). 

On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 15:11 -0700, Thomas Jeppesen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to get PD up and running on linux for a while, but so
> far I've not been lucky, prolly because I'm a linux nub. The first
> installation I tried (Fedora) didn't have a familiar interface. The
> second (Ubuntu) did, but I couldn't install PD on it for some unknow
> reason. I used a tar-ball installation, and ran the "make install"
> -command and it did install on the computer, but PD just wouldn't
> start up.

did you do ./configure first?
have you installed the dependencies? (at least tk8.4-dev and tcl8.4-dev
come to my mind)
what does 'wouldn't startup' mean? i mean, wasn't there any error
printed to the console?

>  On the third distribution I tried JackLab, PD worked, but I had no
> internet connection.
> I'm used to run normal pc's (Windows), so I'm after a distribution
> that has a graphic desktop environment to not make it too unfamiliar
> for starters. But most of all I'm after a distribution that will run
> PD-extended and do it good. 

it is somehow in the name of ubuntu, that it tries to make everything as
easy as possible (and it has a graphic environment etc. and i have good
latency with the standard ubuntu kernel [5ms roundtrip on my hdsp]). 

there is also puredyne https://devel.goto10.org/puredyne , which is sure
worth to try, since it comes with many audio-apps like pd, jack and the
like already included.

my two cents

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