Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:

> > Then [import iemlib], [declare -lib iemlib] or so is better. This
> > would give an error, if import isn't available, but at least the
> > abstraction would still work, if someone loads iemlib as a library.
> no, because in pd-extended the iemlib-objects are directly in /extra and
> the abstractions are in extra/iemlib, whereas in a common iemlib
> installation, some objects are in iemlib1 external, others in the
> iemlib2  external and the abstractions are in a folder called 'iemabs'. 

Yes, but that's why I said, that depending on installation, the object
with the name [bp2~] may also be available under different aliases
like [iemlib/bp2~], [iemabs/bp2~] or [myfavouriteabstractions/bp2~].

The canonical name for this object however as it's defined in the
iemlib installation instructions for many years, is just [bp2~] and
that will work on any system, if the path to that abstraction is set
accordingly by whatever means currently are hot, be it .pdrc,
.pdsettings, "File->Path", [import iemlib], [declare -path ...] or
[declare -stdpath ...] (when the "declare path in abstractions" bug is

> no: loading the library or the libdir is not necessary in pd-extended,
> because [filter~] is directly in the extra folder.
It is? Pd-extended continues to surprise/confuse me sometimes ... How
is it decided what is directly in extra and what not? 

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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