On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 16:39 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > but still, if i want to load the lib and the path with [declare], i'd
> > have to set both pathes, '-stdpath iemlib' and '-stdpath iemabs' and in
> > either case, one would cause an error. such situations make me
> > unhappy :-(
> Well, but that's the unhappy part of Pd-life: For every external in
> use, someone has to make sure, that this external is available.  As I
> have no control over what people are using (and I don't want to
> control them anyway), it's in the user's responsibility to make that
> external available. We can only give hints with import or declare or a

i do not agree, that we (pd-users) should just stick with that. i know,
this is a very old story, but if there would be a unified way to load
externals, it would be no problem at all to make patches, that make use
of externals, work out of the box. to delegate this issue to the user
just doesn't have any advantage at all.
it is not only, that i think, it would be good to have a unified way,
it's also that discussions like this one take so much energy, that could
be spend better for other things (like creating abstractions for the
dsplib). it is frustrating me a bit, that the good idea of a dsp-abs
collection is eaten up by a discussion, that wouldn't exist, if there'd
be a unified way.

in the end, the only 'portable' way of specifying externals, is to
mention them in the help-file :-(



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