On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, marius schebella wrote:

[;detune $1(
[s detune]
I wonder why, is there a significant difference?

It used to be that ";" was the only one to allow a variable destination (more so than just the $1 of an abstraction...) whereas [s] was the only one to send messages of variable size. now in 0.40 both can be done at the same time using [s]. If using Johannes' $* feature, you'd also be able to do both in a messagebox.

is one more efficient then the other (if yes, I always thought send is more efficient..?).

i'd say that it depends on the situation, but if you can't measure the difference, then it does not matter. You could use [realtime] and [until] with a big enough number of repetitions if you want to benchmark it. If you want to measure just the messagebox and not measure the [until] that you have to use with it, then you will have to subtract the time of an [until] alone. If you try to do it only with one message without [until], your result will be really imprecise.

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