
I am following this reference templates discussion because I'm interested
in the pd documentation project.
I have only some side comments about colors, I think -if used, colors
should be kept to accentuate content.
This was said before but also
in my view pd objects in reference patches should not be colored.
I do think that colors help to remember things so it would be helpful to
use them in order to remember  families of objects or other categories.
I did some exercise using colors to emphasize sections, making minor
changes to template 9 from Ben - In order to have some
constraint to choose I used a color palette -I borrowed filterbank~ colors
for this.


previous try:

It is only an exercise  I just wanted to note that the decision of using
colors is
sensitive, we associate many things to them and this becomes important
when you are learning.
I specially have problems with the use of gray which I associate with the
obvious gray skies, pigeons and dictatorship (chilean style)

I'm not a graphic designer but I sense some relation between pd
and constructivism/suprematism so this could also be an inspiration for
color and form...


thanks for the good work and hope to join you in the chat
discussion  in some hours from now.

best wishes,

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