On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 01:02 +0200, Derek Holzer wrote:
> Hi Enrique,
> Enrique Erne wrote:
> > the <~ >~ seems to be pretty much standard, will they ever make it into
> > pd-vanilla or is there a license issue?
> Actually, on some systems there's an object name issue. I've seen many 
> cases on Windows, and some on OS X, where ">" and "<" cannot be used in 
> a filename, and therefore any object with those characters in the name 
> will not create.

just for the record: it will not create in pd-extended (or with
externals compiled in libdir format), but it will with externals as
i don't think, that the author(s) (IOhannes?) of zexy had this in mind,
when writing zexy. afaik, that was far before pd-extended came up.

personally, i think as well, that these objects are good candidates to
be inlcuded to pd-vanilla, as well as these: [abs~], [sgn~]


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