Oh I would love it if GridFlow was out of box included with
Pd-extended. It would be a nice asset to compete with the linear
algebra aspects of Jitter...

I agree that the setup is difficult. I haven't gotten it to work on OS
X yet. Who _has_ installed GF on OS X? I wonder how difficult it would
be to make as a self-contained application. It seems to rely on
several shared libraries and an installed version of Ruby...not an
easy task?


On Dec 9, 2007 10:44 AM, Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, it seems that GF is a powerfull tool. But why there is no basic tutorial
> for beginner to install it ?
> Because :
> 1 : Install Ruby. Make sure it contains ruby.h and intern.h and related
> files. It's also recommended to have libruby.so. Those extra files may be in
> a package called ruby-dev if you are using RPM or DEB/FINK. If you are
> building Ruby yourself, it's better to configure ruby with --enable-shared,
> else you won't have libruby.so (but you will still have libruby.a). If you
> need to have two Rubies at once, for example Ruby 1.8 for running Rails and
> Ruby 1.9 for running GridFlow, you may build Ruby 1.9 with the option
> --program-suffix=19 which will help distinguish the two Rubies. It's also
> possible to have two Rubies installed without that option, but it might be
> complicated. If you install into a system directory, you may have to run
> ldconfig after installing Ruby.
> 2 : Download GridFlow from the website and uncompress it, or get it from the
> CVS server.
> 3 : Run ./configure from the gridflow directory. Make sure it detects all
> the components you want to use with GridFlow. If your OS is Debian or Ubuntu
> you would run ruby1.9 configure instead so that it doesn't use ruby 1.8. In
> MacOS you would normally use FINK to install those extra components: libjpeg
> libjpeg-shlibs libpng-shlibs libpng3 libpng3-shlibs libmpeg libmpeg-shlibs
> 4 : Note: you may have to set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH to indicate where to find
> *.h files, and you may have to set both LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
> indicate where to find *.so or *.aor *.dylib or *.bundle or *.dll or *.lib
> files.
> 5 : Note: you can do ./configure --help to get a list of supported options.
> You can use them to ignore the presence of troublesome libraries and select
> debugging level. With --use-compiler you should use a version of g++, not
> directly a version of gcc, else you get undefined symbol problems. Some
> versions of gcc/g++ are troublesome.
> 6 : Run make to produce the executables gridflow.so and gridflow.pd_linux or
> similar
> 7 : With a text editor, create ~/.gridflow_startup and write something like
> GridFlow.data_path << "/pd/extra/gridflow/images" to tell GridFlow where to
> find additional folders containing images or movies you want to use with
> GridFlow.
> 8 : Ltilib (optional, linux only): The LTI-Lib is an object oriented library
> with algorithms and data structures frequently used in image processing and
> computer vision.
> 1 : Download and install ltilib version 1.9.15 from
> http://ltilib.sourceforge.net/
> 2 : in optional/rblti do: make
> 9 : Loading GridFlow:
> 1 : PureData : With a text editor, modify or create ~/.pdrc and write -lib
> gridflow.
> 2 : ImpureData : In the ".pdrc editor", add gridflow to the list of
> libraries.
> 3 : plain Ruby : the command require "gridflow" will load gridflow.so.
> Note that on MacOS the dot-files are invisible in the Finder but you do cd
> ~/Desktop; ln -s ../.pdrc "PureData Configuration" to make an alias on the
> Desktop. Note also that on Windows the dot-files are even more trouble.
> 1) Where to DL Ruby and how to install it (macosx) ?
> 2) OK
> 3) With Macosx, how to use Fink (what we do with it ?) what can we do with
> Fink to configure GF ?
> 4) Set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH : where is it and what is it ? Where to find *.h
> files : where is it ans what is it ?  And you may have to set both
> LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH : where is it and what is it ? To indicate
> where to find *.so or *.aor *.dylib or *.bundle or *.dll or *.lib files :
> idem ?
> 5) It's like chinese langage for me.
> 6) OK
> 7) And we save it on the desktop ?
> 8) For linux only (equivalent for OSX ?)
> 9) OK
> Note) On MacOS the dot-files are invisible in the Finder : are you sure ?
> I think a clear documentation is good for people like me. Then we could
> install GF without problem. This would multiply the chances to have GF by 10
> ? ;).
> Why GF is not include with pd-extended ?
> Thanx for your answer.
> Jack
> Le 8 déc. 07 à 21:30, Mathieu Bouchard a écrit :
> On Sat, 8 Dec 2007, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> i wouldn't say that gridflow is only for expert people, but yes, there is a
> lot to learn, when learning gridflow. and learning it is very interesting. i
> don't have an academical/mathematical background and for me gridflow is one
> of these tools, that help me understand theories, that i wouldn't have a
> chance to understand whithout seeing them implemented and working. this
> applies also very much to pd, i think. would you consider pd to be a tool
> only for dsp experts and academic musicians?
> Exactly. GridFlow is designed like Pd is, while GEM and PDP both try to hide
> much more about video and other data types, than what Pd ever hides. (One
> hides less, by allowing lots of data converters and data operations in a way
> that you can access the data the way you want, instead of having to rely
> solely on readymades)
>  _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
> | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada
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