On May 3, 2008, at 6:03 PM, Jack wrote:

> Le 3 mai 08 à 15:41, marius schebella a écrit :
>> I think it would be cool, if users had the possibility to decide
>> themselves whether they want to use richer graphics display in their
>> patches.
>> to create an interface like in synthmaker, you need for example  
>> opengl
>> features inside the patcher window. I know that people already do  
>> that
>> and it seems to work well, but it is not supported by pure pd, one
>> reason for which is that the tcl/tk patcher system is too much
>> integrated in the pd core.
>> what is so bad about, if you create [ADSR] that it comes as a nice
>> little control gui with all the knobs already included?
> OK, here a small ADSL interface with knobs ;)
> It works with Pd version 0.39.3-extended. I don't know why but  
> [image] doesn't work with pd-0.40.3-extended-20080315
> Maybe some people would be interested to 'design' some abstractions.
> Problem : the size. 9.9 Ko :)

Nice GUI patch!  The image is working for me on 0.40.3- 
extended-20080502 on mac os x/intel.


> ++
> Jack
> <ADSRinterface.zip>
>> it is not true that words are "better" than images. and it is not  
>> true
>> that more information in a patch means "better".
>> I think you are right from the viewpoint of a programming user, but
>> users that just want higher level usuability want better graphics at
>> least the *possibility* to add graphical UI features. but this is  
>> quite
>> a lot of work...
>> a good example for me are web-pages. you really don't want to read  
>> all
>> the code behind. you want it to work and have a nice UI.
>> with pd you also want a nice interface for the "performing"  
>> situation.
>> btw. we need to make pd run in a browser environment.
>> marius.
>> Frank Barknecht wrote:
>>> Hallo,
>>> Langsam Wieder hat gesagt: // Langsam Wieder wrote:
>>>> if you want to collect some ideas how a real usable and pretty
>>>> interface for a modular environment could look like, have a look at
>>>> http://synthmaker.co.uk/about.html
>>>> it's got bendable links... you never have to leave edit mode... and
>>>> have a look at how ALL interface elements as bitmap & vector knobs,
>>>> sliders or wavedraw display consist of modules themselve.
>>>> the environment is off course not as powerful as pd, but the  
>>>> interface
>>>> is just a joy to work with.
>>> I've never worked with that, however I'm always irritated, when
>>> patching environments have their cord connections flow left to right
>>> instead of top to bottom. IMO that's such a waste of space in
>>> languages, that are written horizontally. If you look at the  
>>> "Midi to
>>> Poly" object here: http://synthmaker.co.uk/images/components%20L.png
>>> you'll see that most of it is just an empty grey rectangle, whose
>>> width is just there to make room for the object name. If the
>>> in/outlets were top and bottom as in Pd and Max, the box could be  
>>> much
>>> smaller without losing any information.
>>> Of course if objects are just icons instead of works, left-to-right
>>> can work, but as Matju once said: "a word says more than a thousand
>>> pictures" - icons are very limited. No wonder, SynthMaker also
>>> includes a (quite nice) text editor for dsp code.
>>> Ciao
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