Thanks for the "speedy" turn around on these things. Unfortunately, I am not
really in a position at the moment to learn how to compile pdlua. I pretty
much depend on the extended version (thanks to Hans) for these things. Do
your sources automatically update those things? If not, how long before it
gets rolled into the extended stuff?

I will say, while I really like Lua, last night I got caught in a trap,
thinking that I found "the best" way to implement something, but it turned
out to be a dead end, and I lost a couple of hours playing with that stuff.

also note that Pd tables are indexed from 0, unlike Lua's 1-based indexing.
>  I'm not sure whether to have pd.Table have 1-based indexing like Lua or
> stick with the Pd-style 0-based indexing (which is what is currently
> implemented).

How do other implementations do this? Should we look to see how "Vessel"
does it in Max? It could be one of those things that turns out to be a
"gotcha" for new users who happen to miss that these tables are 0 based,
instead of the Lua 1 based...

> Work in progress, hopefully when I polish this up a bit I'll make a
> pdlua-0.5 release, at which point the table API will be relatively fixed.
>  Comments welcome.

Thanks, again, Claude. I will have to see if I can get this up and running,
maybe by the weekend.


Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word— but it requires everything we
have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal.
—Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician
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