On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, PSPunch wrote:

My primary goal is to place an object you can rotate by dragging the mouse.

Ok, if it's through a user interface like that, for computing just one rotation matrix, I guess you could use [accumrotate] unless it accumulates too much error. Suppose that it consistently gets a relative error of 2**-24 downwards on every rotation. Then after 1000000 rotations it gets its values 6% wrong. If rotating using doubles (float64) instead of float32, then you'd hardly notice anything after 1000000000000 rotations. Note that this is just a rule of thumb of worst cases. It's better to try it. [accumrotate] doesn't try to compensate for rounding errors because they aren't quite significant in practice in this case. (it's possible to do the theory for figuring out average realistic error but it's easier and more accurate to just try the implementation.)

Using procedures completely different from the one mentioned abouve, I was able to achieve the expected behavior based on [accumrotate] but I found no simple way of managing the current angle.

What do you mean "managing the current angle" ??

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