Hi all,
i'm really glad to share with the list my latest project, cause without the
help of everybody here i wouldn't be able to speak about it now..  ;)
C::NTR::L is a "software", naturally Pd-based, for audiovisual live
performances exploiting physical computing. It transforms a standard musical
instrument in an augmented tool to control real-time audio-video processing,
without the need of any external device (damned expensive) or MIDI. You play
your score and to each note is connected an audio, video or audiovisual fx,
and you can connect whatever you want with whatever you desire. It's Pd!

C::NTR::L is Cross-Platform for Mac, Linux and Windows (so far i've been
able to keep the same patch working on all platform, too lucky...)
By now it has been succesfully tested with electric bass guitar, guitar,
piano (only two octaves working right now), accordion and trumpet.
I conceived this project almost three years ago (when i was just starting to
get aware of the existence of Pd). I was playing the bass guitar trying to
control videos with resolume :( and sound with AudioMulch. wow.. i cannot
figure out how!
anyway, since my competences and passion for Pd grew up, i decided to make
the whole project become a software for public use and to do it exclusively
focusing on Pd.
Today this is the result (I C::ntr::l Nature, my audiovisual performance for
electric bass guitar and butterfly):


I sent out a call for beta-testers on the most used audiovisual-related
forums (Pd forum too), i fixed most of the bugs and someone is planning to
do things with my lil creature.
  Now I'm planning the public release of version 1.2 Beta in the end of this
month (if i won't be eated by my everyday job).

I'm writing to the list not only to let you know the news, but specially
because i would like to know if there is anybody out there who has time and
will to help me in the cleaning and further development of the code.
Being a webdesigner, usability and accessiblity are my first aims.
I've many ideas and many suggestions collected in my to-do list, but being
alone, the development would be really slow, maybe even pointless.
I would be glad to answer to all questions, technical, conceptual and
more... and to explain more in depth how C::NTR::L is working.
I know everybody is quite busy, infact i would be really glad also of some
little help with some taks.

I'm also developing a new interface trying to make C::NTR::L user-friendly
for real. But this is another issue that i also would like to discuss about
with the list.
My idea, maybe pretty ingenuos, is to create a software for audiovisual
performances so easy to use also for no-Pd'rs, that one would download Pd
(and starting to familiarize with it) because of the interest towards
C::NTR::L, or any other user-friendly software - unfortunately i don't see
many around.
For sure it wouldn't happen with millions of people, but maybe it could help
in the spreading of Pd, and OS multimedia creation.

further link (still have to update some contents, but....the most is


sorry for the very very long e-mail.

Marco Donnarumma aka The !S.A.D!

Multimedia Artist, Live Performer
Roma, IT

LAB: http://www.thesaddj.com | http://www.flxer.net

EVENT: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
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