Hi Martin,

I try various rt priority settings without any success, dropouts are
still here.

I think part of your problem comes form : zombified - calling shutdown handler
To avoid this you can can try to increase the jackd timeout watchdog
with option -t 5000 or disabling  client zombification with option -Z.

Which version of jackd do you use?
currently I'm using jackd version 0.116.1, before that I was using 0.109.2-3ubuntu1 (current intrepid version?), which already had this "issue".

I also noticed that different timeout settings made noticeable changes to this issue but it didn't solve the problem entirely, (btw. I already was using 9000ms, and this watchdog is not jack-related but built into pd / gui as far as i know.)

when trying different things concerning realtime permissions I also noticed that priorities for "audio" group in /etc/security/limits to something below 10 (don't know exactly anymore) also had an influence (because pd had no more rt permissions then).

now everything's fine when jack is started with sufficient priority, no matter which other settings I use with jack (except dropouts with too low latency or doing graphics stuff with gem in the same instance of pd).


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