
update on this problem:

instead of trying to rewrite the external, i was trying to use netsend (udp) / netreceive to send 17 messages (int) each 10 ms using 2 instances of pd (-nrt -nogui / pd -rt -jack). i have a strange behaviour with pd -rt -jack, i cannot click anywhere, it's frozen until i disable compute audio and then all my previous action (opening sub-patch) are working, but if i check compute audio again same problem? same goes for mrpeach external (osc).

so it seems that flooding netsend / netreceive is not a good idea to avoid glitch. i have to find a way to make my external work with pd -rt -jack. this is the line that causing the glitch:

nBytes = usb_control_msg(x->dev_handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_IN, EDUBEAT_CMD_POLL, 0, 0, (char *)buffer, sizeof(buffer), 10);

is using pthread with a buffer would fix this problem?

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