Speaking of which, does anyone have any issues with installing gp2xPd?  I
can't get this thing to work.

I'm on Firmware 3.0.0, on the F100(B).  I put the python folder from the
pygame package on my sd root per the instructions on Chris McCormick's
site.  I put the gp2xPd folder in my sd/games folder and try to open the
bigtest.gpe.  I get a black screen for a few seconds then a white screen
that lasts until I move the joystick, at which point it kicks me back to the
GP2X menu.

I'd really like to get this thing to work, but have run out of ideas.
Please help me out!

Matt Logan

> Ah right, portable game consoles!  the GP2X is a good example that runs
> PDa:
> http://www.smokinglinux.com/gp2x/gp2x-the-best-linux-portable-console-for-gaming
> .hc
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