Hi Roberto,
pureKontrol takes the midi signal from the korg and converts it to osc
message. First you have to connect to some host, for example your computer
(localhost or into a port (for example 1234), then you can
receive the incoming OSC message. Once you are connected (for exampe to
localhost 1234) you can receive the osc message from korg  just creating a
[dumpOSC 1234] object in puredata and print the output.
In order to make it easier you can find a reciver patch inside pureKontrol
directory that comes with a [OSCroute] object that already route all the
incoming messages from pureKontrol. So copy reciver.pd inside particle
chamber and connect route's output to what do you want.
Hope it helps you

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Roberto Duarte

> Hello,
> Im new with pd. Im trying to use my nano kontrol to control a pd patch,
> particle chamber for instance( http://macumbista.net/?page_id=370 ), I
> just download 3 different patches or abstractions to do so:
> the nanokontrol-panel.pd and nanokontrol (
> http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-2776-korg-nanokontrol-abstraction ) ,
> and purekontrol ( http://www.estereotips.net/?page_id=482&lang=ES ) .
> I tested all and worked fine, responding to knobs, sliders etc; but what
> comes next, how can I connect these patches (or abstractions?) to control
> thing on particle chamber or how can I assign sliders or knobs to control
> it. Do I need to copy something inside the particle chamber? how do I need
> to proceed step by step.
> Any help will be appreciated, thanks a lot!!
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