I think the real solution to this would be one step deeper. If Pd used Tcl to handle the GUI interaction, then we could use the Tk scaling feature, which is what Tk does to handle cross-platform differences in font rendering. Pd could then store the Tk scaling number in the patch, and use it to scale internal copies of pixel values, when necessary. Then we could have the best of both worlds. This would also give us the ability to zoom/scale patches for free.

This is not as hard as it might seem, I believe DesireData has this working. I think this would also be quite clean and actually simplify Pd's code rather than adding more complexity by tracking both when fonts should fit to the box size and when the box size should fit to the font.

I'll take a look at the big text block clicking issue now. Do you have an example patch?


On Aug 24, 2010, at 4:38 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:

Long as there's a way to fix a problem I'm having: in message boxes with many lines of text, you can easily click on one character and select one above
it... it gets very confusing.  (Fedora 13 out-of-box).

I'm guessing that in the current version the GUI simply tells Pd what size the font ought to have had instead of the genuine one. Pd could easily expand the box to the ought-to size (at least optionally for those wishing to make cross-platform patches) but should know about the text's actual size
anyway.  To be continued...


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 01:21:08AM -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

On Aug 23, 2010, at 7:01 AM, Frank Barknecht wrote:


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 01:39:08PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
BTW I've been using Pd-Extended's Linux/OSX default font size as the
basis for all my patches for making my last 400 patches or so.

I've used Pd vanilla for all my patches so far, with a "10" font- size,
whatever that is in pixels. I know, that Pd-extended uses some
layout for several years now, which makes patches look wrong when you
load them in Pd vanilla and the other way around. I have not much
interest to discuss the differences between vanilla and Pd-x, as I am hoping the two to unify again with the gui-rewrite. So I'm willing to
change my preferences to whatever will be the new vanilla, but I'd
prefer to not do again that with every release or with every new
Courier-like font that pops up on the Internets' Top 10 console font
lists and is so much better than the previous ones.

Unless Miller changes it in the future, Pd 0.43 should have the same
boxes sizes that Pd-extended has had for a couple versions.  That
was one of my goals with the GUI rewrite.  Its a bug if that's not
the case.



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