Nice tracks! Very interesting to hear pd used in a somehow "traditional" rock 
song format. Do you use pd live? What is your set-up, do you use a foot 
controller or something like that?

--- En date de : Dim 10.10.10, Pierre Massat <> a écrit :

De: Pierre Massat <>
Objet: [PD] Music made with Pd
À: "pd-list" <>
Date: Dimanche 10 octobre 2010, 19h44

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share some music i've made with my band, because i've used Pd 
with my guitar and a rt setup and i'm very happy with the results. I remember 
when i started experimenting with this a year ago, i had hope but i did not 
expect it to work so well. So here it is :
There's some Pd-processed guitar on the following songs: Not too sad, 
Nyctalope, Canopée and We own the sky. The rest is just plain rock trio stuff 
(irrelevant here). There's no keyboard and i didn't need any hardware effetcs. 

So this gives me an opportunity to thank everybody on the list, it's really 
neat to always have someone who can help you and provide a bit of code!



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