On Wed, 16 Feb 2011, Alexandre Porres wrote:

I was thinking of externals as anything that can be loaded as an object or library - like any non native/pd vanilla object - at startup.

In terms of the usual word «external», Pd's «externals» are external to the Pd language ; it's not a matter of being external to («outside of») the main programme.

Therefore, my concept of externals is broad, and can include abstractions if their path is listed on Pd preferences.  I don't use vanilla, so I don't know if the [sin~] object or list-abs is loaded there. But then, what matters is that I am actually wrong to conceive it this way, and need to be corrected, right?

Well, if your conception is useful, it's good to have it remain in some way, though it's better to use different words when possible. Pd has already too many things called the same : the several confusing uses of the words "pd", "object", "canvas", for example.

The thing is that I am translation my long Pd Tutorial to english, and I make this assumption there somewhere. One of my intent to translate to english is to see if you guys find inconsistent information there too.

You might be using it in a consistent manner within your own text, but it's not consistent with the usage of the community, nor of any part of the community, nor in communities outside of pd.

I'm sure, though, that you can find a word for it. Anyone got an idea about how to name this ?

"Non-internal classes", "classes outside of the main executable" ?

(I don't think it really needs to have a single-word name. Do you think it does ?)

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