Hi João,

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 03:35:18PM +0200, João Pais wrote:
> Is it possible just to download this version of ff4?

For sure. Go here: http://www.mozilla.org/ and click on "Get Firefox" (4 is the
recently released stable version).

> Are you planning on putting the contents of your workshop on libpd 
> online? Or to do an online workshop, where people all around can listen 
> to you?

I am not sure what the recording arrangements will be, but if either NYC or LA
are recorded I am sure it will be put online.

However this is a type of interactive workshop where I hope to help people out
on their actual laptops and devices rather than lecturing at them, so it might
not be 100% suitable for video.

By the way, for anyone interested the New York session still has places
available in two Saturdays time. You can sign up here:

If you are in LA, the session is:
Friday April 29, 7pm -> 11pm
CRASHspace (10526 Venice Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232)

Maybe I can get to Berlin somehow soonish?

By the way, libpd is due to a massive effort by Peter Brinkmann and also Peter
Kirn, Hans-Christoph Steiner, Martin Roth, and that includes really excellent




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