On Wed, 22 Jun 2011, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

If you don't think so, then please tell me what you can do with that patch that's so musically interesting that it would warrant buying a modern digital computer instead of a turntable.

Because it takes a lot less room, the sound doesn't have to be recorded on vinyl or shellac or whatever, and the scratching device can be easily transformed in a multitude of closely-related devices that aren't like turntables anymore. Then you can save those devices and share them with like-minded people on pd-list without having to pay kilodollars of shipping.

You already have a modern digital computer for other reasons, so, it's irrelevant to think of what would be the rationale for buying one.

And anyway, it's been a while that we can think of turntables as being parodies of what can be done with [tabread~] or any other kind of array subscript.

| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC
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