On Oct 25, 2011, at 3:38 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca>
To: Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com>
Cc: Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>; Max <abonneme...@revolwear.com >; PD list <pd-list@iem.at>; Shahrokh Yadegari <s...@ucsd.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: [PD] expr alternative

Le 2011-10-25 à 10:45:00, Jonathan Wilkes a écrit :

2) all the expr objects have a Max-centric view of numbers that clashes
with Pd's "everything-is-a-float" philosophy.  (If you don't
understand what I mean, matju has written about it on the list and I've also
documented it in the revised PDDP help patches for expr.)

That's also a current difference between [expr] and [#expr], though it will probably not stay completely like that, because GF makes a big point of having several different number types in grids. So, whenever I write the other half of [#expr] (add grid processing), it will probably support the 6 number types of
grids, instead of the 2 of jMax/Max or the 1 of Pd.
Until then, [#expr] only does floats.

I think that [#expr] will not have ints outside of grids, but I have not really
thought about it yet.

It's worth noting that the current [expr] is both "Max-centric"-- because numbers written as integers imply integer math-- and incompatible with Max-- because in object boxes Pd strips the decimal from "1." which is a common idiom in Max to force float math.

Any attempt at a new/improved expr should realize this and just forget being max
compatible and try to make it as Pd-ish as possible.

That sounds like a bug that should be reported to the tracker, at the very least.



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