> From: i go bananas <hard....@gmail.com>
>To: PD List <pd-list@iem.at> 
>Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 11:55 AM
>Subject: [PD] [expr] license issue (update)
>just a quick update on the behind the scenes work i have been doing to see if 
>we can get [expr] under the BSD license.
>Firstly, i have been in contact on several occasions with Apple, in regards to 
>their position on LGPL software in their apps.  They have really given me the 
>runaround, and even after many mails and calls to different departments, my 
>request of a yes/no answer on LGPL has always left me simply being shoved off 
>to another department, who won't give me a yes/no either.  They are basically 
>telling me that if i need to know this simple fact, that i need to hire a 
>lawyer.  Which is ludicrous. 
>So, that's the "discouraging" news.
>The not so discouraging news, is that i have spoken with a few people involved 
>with the jMax software, upon which the expr code is based.  I have of course, 
>also been speaking with Shahrokh Yadegari, and the good news is that i have 
>yet to speak to anyone who is not in favour of helping with a change to the 
>BSD license.  In the best case, we might be able to get permission for the 
>applicable jMax code to be relicensed under the BSD.  This would mean that no 
>code re-write would be necessary, and the change to BSD would be quite smooth 

IRCAM is listed as the copyright holder at the top of the relevant c files, so 
wouldn't you need explicit permission 

directly from IRCAM to change the license?

(You also need to contact devs who added functionality and fixed any bugs in 
the expr code.)


>Anyway, it's a slow process, waiting for email replies, and then sending off 
>the next mail...but there appears to be some light coming from the end of the 
>tunnel.  We're just not exactly which source that light comes from right now, 
>but hopefully all will clear up eventually.
>I doubt we'll be able to get this matter fully resolved by the end of this 
>year, but hopefully when the winter break is over we can see more clearly what 
>steps need to be taken.
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