
I noticed the gop doesn't work on pd-ext 0.42-5, but it works on 0.43-4 (w7). Another bug that was already there: if you drag one control point to outside the gop window, the struct doesn't respond to the mouse control anymore - although it still works properly. In my abstraction [jmmmp/bezier] I use messages to put the struct back into the gop boundaries.

About the name and arguments always showing, it's a bit annoying. I think I made an extra [donecanvasdialog 1 -1 2 -20 120 120 -20 $1 $2 0 0, dirty 0( in [bezier] to enforce this choice. Maybe there's something broken in the code, that it doesn't let the option be taken?


Thanks Jonathan
You are a magician. You said it works, so now it does.... no bugs.
The only thing I can't get rid of is the datawindow name appearing in the graph on parent. No matter how many times I turn it off, once I save it and load it again, it comes back on.
The name of the main graph on parent does not show, only of the subpatch
I attached the abstraction here

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