I think most of s/r and throw/catch are between abstracts. If I want to sort that objects (as Theory of Operation says: creating receive~ after send~)... I don't know how to do it.

Does the "sorting" include creation of abstracts? I mean, should I cut-paste from the objects (s/r, throw/catch AND abstracts) at the start of the pipeline (mic) to the last (output)? And so inside each abstract? I'm confused... and I'll be more if I would have to do it.


-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto:         Sum of delays...
Fecha:  Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:52:37 -0300
De:     Mario Mey <mario...@gmail.com>
Para:   pd-list <pd-list@iem.at>

I was guessing... if I made a sum of delays using so many send~ / receive~ and throw~ / catch~...

For a full use of my patch (mic input -> FX-A -> FX-B -> output), I have this structure (inside subpatches and abstracts):

s~ mic

r~ mic
s~ console-in-a

r~ console-in-a
s~ pre-fx-a

r~ pre-fx-a
throw~ post-fx-a

catch~ post-fx-a
s~ console-out-a

r~ console-out-a
s~ console-in-b

r~ console-in-b
s~ pre-fx-b

r~ pre-fx-b
throw~ post-fx-b

catch~ post-fx-b
s~ console-out-b

r~ console-out-b
s~ out

r~ out

Does every send~ / receive~ and throw~ / catch~ adds a 1 block delay?

I'm using 48000, so, do I have 1.333ms * 10 = 13ms of delay because of using that objects?

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