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On 2014-04-09 10:01, David Woodfall wrote:

Compiled from source obtained from the pd project page, using this
method to package it:

i can think of three different "project pages":
- - http://msp.ucsd.edu/software.html
- - http://puredata.info/
- - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pure-data


--prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
--sysconfdir=/etc \ --datadir=/usr/share/pd \ --localstatedir=/var

i guess these are standard configure flags for slackware builds, as
most of them are not used in Pd.

--enable-alsa \ --enable-setuid \ --enable-jack \
--enable-portaudio \ --disable-portmidi

make make install DESTDIR=$PKG

which OS are you using? your path only indicate that it is a
un*x like system, but it might help to know whether you are using
some obscure linux distro or plain irix :-)

Slackware linux 14.1 64bit

i don't have any experience with slackware, however...

% locate pd-gui.tcl /usr/bin/pd-gui.tcl

/usr/lib64/? is this path still used on some (linux) systems?

I though most 64bit OS's used /usr/lib64?

i'm mainly using Debian, which has switched to a more extendible
scheme a while ago (using /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and the like)
it also allow to put "native" libraries (e.g. 64bit libs on a 64bit
system) directly into /usr/lib/.

anyhow, Pd currently hardcodes it's system path to (afaict)
@prefix@/lib/pd/ (to be precise, it tries some more, but it definitely
does *not* use @prefix@/lib64/pd/ nor the more sensible "@libdir@/pd"
or even "@pkglibdir@".

so i guess you currently have to patch your Pd in order to make it
work on 64bit slackware. something like the following:
sed -i -e "517s|lib/pd|lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pd|" src/s_main.c


The configure/Makfile do correctly put the libs in place.
Package contents:


But that doesn't mean that pd will look there for modules.

I tried symlinking /usr/lib64/pd/tcl/pd_connect.tcl to /usr/bin/.
but it still doesn't find it.

Error in startup script: can't find package pd_connect
  while executing
"package require pd_connect"
  (file "/usr/bin/pd-gui.tcl" line 26)

I'm not quite sure where it is define where to look.

Aha! If I 'ln -s /usr/lib64/pd /usr/lib/pd' then it works. Gui starts
up just fine. So it seems those paths may be hard-coded somewhere.


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