On 04/09/2014 11:57 AM, David Woodfall wrote:
But that doesn't mean that pd will look there for modules.

I tried symlinking /usr/lib64/pd/tcl/pd_connect.tcl to /usr/bin/.
but it still doesn't find it.

no this won't work, as it tries to circumvent tcl's pkg-index.

Error in startup script: can't find package pd_connect
  while executing
"package require pd_connect"
  (file "/usr/bin/pd-gui.tcl" line 26)

I'm not quite sure where it is define where to look.

Aha! If I 'ln -s /usr/lib64/pd /usr/lib/pd' then it works. Gui starts
up just fine. So it seems those paths may be hard-coded somewhere.

well yes, that's why i gave you the patch in my other mail: replace
lib/pd by lib64/pd in s_main.c


Works fine, thanks.


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