On 11/09/2014 15:34, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

Is there a simple'n dirty way to assembly pd-extended from
pd-vanilla by myself?
depends on what you expect from Pd-extended.
PdX is a slightly modified "pd" binary PLUS a lot of externals.
you cannot get the slightly modified pd core from pd-vanilla.
if you are only interested in the externals, you could copy them over
from a nightly Pd-extended build to your Pd-vanilla installation.

even better would be to just use the debian packages of pd and the
externals you want.
Yes, basically it's what I need. Since I'm using lots of externals that are on pd-extend, copying pd-extended extras to my pd-vanilla could be enough for me.

About the pd core, what are the differences from extended to vanilla?
At first sight, I see some GUI differences.



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