On 09/13/2014 12:34 AM, Billy Stiltner wrote:
> nope that didn't do it, still missing the vcf filters from iem_lib

$ aptitude install pd-iemlib

(or use synaptics or whatever)

>>> I'm wanting the latest version of pd-vanilla with the new from/to
>>> symbol/list features plus the allready compiled 64 bit externals from ggee,
>>> iemlibrary , cyclone, plus maybe a few others. there used to be a way to do

all of these packages are in Debian (and thus should be in ubuntu as well)

>>> this by installing and uninstalling pd-extended to get the packages, but
>>> recently i tried to compile the latest pd vanilla and had no jack support.

the puredata package in Debian comes with jack support.

>>> What is the best way to go about doing this now with the 64 bit stuff?

using the native Debian packages.

but keep in mind that i'm speaking as a Debian Developer :-)


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