On 18/12/2014 20:34, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 12/18/2014 08:16 PM, Samuel Burt wrote:
1. Opening a patch with [import cyclone] would automatically download the
i *strongly* oppose to anything that automatically connects to the
internet and fetches or submits data.

I totally agree with you! But an auto-download can be achieved by different means. For example by calling your default package manager. Or maybe in a semi-automatic way like pointing to a web page reposotory and then the user can download the external and put it in to a default folder (as suggested by Dan).
Just an idea...

But I think that the main concern is about compiling/maintaining all the (cross platform) externals and organize them in a clean manner.
After that, the installation task can be simplified in several ways...




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