Ok, I want to explore this:

>There's no need to save html to Pd files.  An html file can instead specify 
>the patch to be opened, in a variety of ways: (<code> tag as you

mentioned, javascript API, etc.)

>That is one of the reasons to keep a strict separation.  Just thinking about 
>it a little, one might have something like this in their




>So the user would open fancy_view.html which renders a fancy web app that 
>loads (and possibly displays) guts.pd.  But you'd

still be able to open guts.pd in Pd Vanilla, no problem.

Just an html front end to a patch,  fancy_view.html controls the patch which at 
first, is not displayed. One way communication only, fancy.html sends to 

This could be cool, to open remote stuff.


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