Oh dear, I was worried this might cause problems.

The rationale is that, especially for beginning users but often for
experienced ones, it is rarely desirable to have two copies of, for
instance, the test tone patch running at once.  (An example from my own
usage is that I have a "play" shell command that opens a patch to play
a soundfile but I don't want to spawn a new one every time I want to play
a new file.)

Anyhow, to make the old behavior possible (which I think is only useful for
experts) I could imagine a couple of ways:

1) ugly workaround, make symlinks to the same patch so it can be opened
(and then managed) via different filenames or directory names)

2) I could add a message to pd or perhaps a startup flag, or both, to
switch the behavior on and off.

3) (I doubt this is a good idea) I could make it "0.48 compatible" to open

Which do you think is the better option?  Any of these would be easy for me
to accomodate.


On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 03:17:20PM +0200, katja wrote:
> Much to my alarm, Pd 0.49test3 prevents loading multiple instances of
> a patch, and release notes tell us that this is on purpose. Moreover,
> when trying to load a patch twice, pd becomes unresponsive in some
> cases.
> The new behavior is a show stopper for projects that rely on, or
> benefit from, loading multiple instances from a patch. As it happens
> I'm currently working on such a project. So my questions are: what is
> the rationale behind this 'feature', and is it really going to stay?
> Katja
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