On Sun, 2022-01-30 at 18:59 +0100, martin brinkmann wrote:
> i have switched to 
> [command] and it works fine (except for numeric values being
> converted 
> to floats and coming out of the left outlet (!?), but adding a (non 
> numeric) character to the output helped.)

[command] parses stdout and stderr of the command as a FUDI message.
Numeric values are returned as floats, symbolic values as symbols and
leading, trailing, or multiple spaces (or tabs) are discarded. I
_think_ quite a few objects interfacing the outside world behave like
this, so I assume it is kind of a standard. 

If you want to preserve the exact output, use the binary format invoked
with the -b flag [command -b]. This returns the results as list of
bytes. You could use [list tosymbol] to convert the whole thing to a
single symbol. If you want more sophisticated parsing, you can do it,
though it probably takes a little effort.


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