On 2/2/22 09:04, martin brinkmann wrote:
On 01/02/2022 22:25, Roman Haefeli wrote:

As I tried to explain previously, this is expected behavior in Pd land.

yes, but the float is coming out of the leftmost output, and this only happens when the commands output is a number (and only a number).

"exec echo 123456789" for example,
while "exec echo number123456789" works

well, this is just how FUDI works.
- everything that looks like a number, is interpreted as a number.
- numbers are internally represented as single-precision floating point
and Pd will not show you the *exact* number, but "print" it using %g to make it more visually pleasant.

(I'm not going into details; this has been discussed in the past. more than once; check the archives if you are interested).

- if your script outputs "123456789", this looks very much like a number and is thus converted to one. - since the number is a single precision floating point number, it will not be *exactly* "123456789" (since this number cannot be represented by a 32bit floating point number). instead it will be stored as 123456792.0f - if you display your number with [print] or a numberbox, it will show as "1.23457e+08". the same string-conversion happens if you use $arg expansion (e.g. "[open mysound.$1.wav(").

you can use your own conversion if you send the number to [makefilename].
e.g. [makefilename mysound.%d.wav] will give you the integer part of the full number (but it's still a 32bit floating point number, so you won't get "123456789")

adding a string, and afterwards splitting it off is a workaround.

this is of course very ugly.
Pd is not exactly good at string manipulation.

better use zexy's [date] and [time], create a list of the values you are interested in and then do a piecewise assembly:

[12 34 56 79 90]
[open mysound.$1$2$3$4$5.wav(

flag implemented. However, only the released version v0.1 is available
through Deken.

i use

     Uploaded by rdz @ 2021-10-01 22:20:51

installed via deken a few days ago

i just like to confirm that the version available via deken will indeed output single number printout on the 1st outlet.



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