Good day,

My Problem
   I'm attempting to create a Program on a Linux System that will be able
   to be run on a Windows System. This program uses the CURSES feature and
   I'm having problems in generating a successfull load Module.

My Environment
   Development Computer
      Pentium  4
      Linux    2.4.18
      Caldera  2.3
      Mingw    1.1
      PDCurses 2.4
   Production Computer
      Compaq   i486
      Windows  95

   I generated MINGW as a Cross Compiler for creating Windows formated Object
      Modules using the procedure described by Reinhard Jessich at his site
   The pdcurses-mingw32-libs.tar.gz file that I installed had two versions of
      the Library in it:
   When I use Mingw to create a Load modules and specify -lpdcurses, it
   assembles fine but when I bring it over to the Windows System to run it,
   I get the following message:
      A required DLL file, PDCURSES.DLL was not found.
   I cannot find any mention on the Net on where I can get a copy of this
   DLL or how I can create it.
   I saw a posting from someone saying that Mingw supplied two PDC libraries,
   one called libpdcurses for use with Dynamic Linking and another called 
   libpdcurses_s.a for Static linking.  I assume that if I used a static
   library, I wouldn't get the problem of the missing PDCURSES.DLL file.
   I cannnot find any mention on the Net on where I can get this Static Library.
   It was not part of the files from Mingw.

   I thought that perhapes I should try using the libcurses.a library since
   it might be the static library.  When I did an assembly using that one,
   I received a number of the followng messages:
      undefined references to __imp_iob.

   My questions to everyone reading this note are the following:
   1.   Can someone tell me where I can find a copy of the PDCURSES.DLL file
        or how it can be created?
   2.   Can someone tell me how I can get a copy of the libpdcurses_s.a file
        if that is the library to be used to do static compiles?
   3.   Can anyone tell me how to get around the problem of the undefined
        references to __imp_iob?

Any assistance in helping me to get PDCurses to run with Mingw will be
greatly appreciated.

Yours truly,

Frank Krauss

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