I have a problem I haven't been able to solve in regard to abnormal
action by the arrow keys under mingw. I am running PDCurses 2.6 under
Win98SE. It occurs in the library I compiled and also in that
distributed precompiled on mingw.org. When NUMLOCK is off, the arrow
keys work normally, both on the number pad and on the separate
arrow-key pad. When the NUMLOCK key is on, the number pad returns
numbers and the arrow-key pad returns arrows, but the arrows now appear
to be buffered. I see the effect in the testcurses program and also in
the lynx browser compiled with this version of pdcurses.

When NUMLOCK is on and I press an arrow key, there is no cursor
movement, but if I then turn off NUMLOCK and press an arrow key, all the
previous keypresses are sent to the screen along with the new keypress.
That is, if I press DOWN_ARROW twice, there would be no movement of the
cursor. If I then turn off NUMLOCK and press DOWN_ARROW once, the cursor
moves down three lines. I haven't been able to see where in the code
this is occurring. I tried fixing the problem with arrow keys being
reported as KEY_SHIFT_R by the input section of testcurses with
the following patch, but that didn't affect the apparent buffering of
the keypresses.

Does anyone have any ideas?

--- pdcurses2.6/win32/pdckbd.c.ori      2002-12-17 03:18:34.000000000 -0800
+++ pdcurses2.6/win32/pdckbd.c  2003-09-01 11:43:06.000000000 -0800
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
                case 16: /* shift */
-                  if ( SP->return_key_modifiers ) return KEY_SHIFT_R;
+                  if ( SP->return_key_modifiers & SHIFT_PRESSED) return KEY_SHIFT_R;
                   ignore_key = 1;
                case 17: /* control */

Doug Kaufman

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