Hi, I've been making feeble attempts to cross compile this for AROS, and that doesn't seem to work. At least not when using the ./configure script.
Aros is: http://www.aros.org/ The cross compiler I'm using is here: http://www.zerohero.se/cross/aros.html Since PDCurses are supposed to work on Amiga, I thought porting to AROS would be a synch, but I do need some pointers on where to start. In particular, is it supposed to work on AmigaOS 3? AFAIK, AROS is an AOS 3.1 clone. Johann P.S. There are reasons I don't like autoconf myself, one of them is that it's horrible when trying to setup a cross compiling environment (which, btw, I have done). -- johann myrkraverk com (you know the drill with the @ and .) I classify Outlook mail as spam, use something else.