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No, there is no way to coerce PostScript Level 1 out of
Acrobat 6 or Reader 6. 

May I suggest another alternative. Go to Hewlett-Packard and request
firmware upgrades for your 150 printers. You may need to go up to
third or fourth level Tech Support for this, but HP did release 
firmware upgrades to these printers that fixed at least some of
their bugs.

By the way, Acrobat produces its own Postscript. It doesn't rely
on a PostScript driver other than for adding device control
information (such as "setpagedevice" commands) and routing the
PostScript to the printer via the print queue.

        - Dov

At 4/20/2004 10:40 AM, CAIRNS Robert -NUCLEAR wrote:

>Our company's deployment of Acrobat 6.01 has been held up by an annoying
>We have a number (over 150) HP5000 printers, and certain print jobs fail or
>hang up that model of printer.
>(this problem has been around for a while)
>They have determined that the root cause of the problem is that the
>postscript emulator for level 2 postscript in that model of printer has a
>bug in it (I think it is related to managing color spaces or half toning).
>However, if the users send the print job using level 1 postscript it seems
>to work OK. 
>What has stopped the deployment is that Acrobat 6.01 does not support level
>1 postscript as a print option. (whereas 4.0 and 5.0 do)
>Replacing the printers is not an option at this time. 
>Does anybody know of a way of getting level 1 postscript from a acrobat 6.0
>print request? (maybe through a plugin a modification to a driver perhaps,
>or a level 2 to level 1 converter?)
>Rob Cairns
>Senior Technical Specialist - I & C Computers
>Safety Related Computers
>Computers and Control Design Department 
>Ontario Power Generation Incorporated
>H12 G27

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