Bob Walkden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>surely it's not just a question of size, but also of the shape of the
>rectangle. Shooting 6x6 is very different from shooting 6x9. I would
>not be surprised if the preference that many people have for 6x7 or
>6x4.5 over 35mm is strongly influenced, even if unconsciously, by the
>difficulty of composing for the 1:1.5 ratio.

Yes - part of the reason I went for the Pentax 645 system was than I really
liked the 3:4 ratio a lot better than any other available. Much more than
the 2:3 (1:1.5) of 35mm or 6:7 or 4:5. It's strange how close some of these
look on paper, even when you draw them out, and yet how different they fell
to work with.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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