Not really a rip off.  The founder of DR was something of an Idealist and
wasn't against the use of his structures to create a code compatible version
of CPM86.  Microsoft did however reverse engineer some of CPM86 to fix a few
bugs in DOS.

At 07:30 AM 1/12/2003 +1100, you wrote:

----- Original Message -----

> IIRC the guy that "invented" Dos got a minimal flat fee from Gates and
never saw any other profit. Access is a rip-off of Paradox; Excel is a
rip-off of Lotus; the list goes on and on.
Actually, the guy that got paid for Dos (Seattle Computer) ripped it off
from Digital Research!

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
    Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

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