Rob Studdert wrote:
> On 11 Jan 2003 at 13:34, Keith Whaley wrote:
> > Rob Studdert wrote:
> > >
> > > On 11 Jan 2003 at 13:29, Mike Johnston wrote:
> > >
> > > > Macs are superior products. They work better, they are more elegant, they
> > > > are more pleasant to work with, they're designed better.
> > >
> > > Mike, you should get out more.
> >
> > He has. That's why he knows what he knows...
> I'd argue that anyone with such a narrow perspective has not had sufficient
> experience with both platforms or has not had the benefit of using a well
> designed and configured PC based computer. BTW computers are tools not Ikea
> furniture.

Yes, and there are some out there who still insist on using wooden
lead pencils for writing.
The output will eventually be the same, but getting there is more
laborious ~ consumes a greater number of manhours.
Given the output in 'plain text' I've seen operators who far prefer
the old amber or green screen and archaic text of early Dos days...
Not many, but some do. These guys work for themselves, you understand. 
No-one wants to hire them for some odd reason.

I'm not trying to be absurd here, these people exist.
Just as folks exist that have used both, are equally (or almost
equally) proficient with both platforms, who prefer Windows. I'm NOT
arguing that, however...

I've used both Macs and Windows and Unix (Sun) machines,
professionally, for CADD work, and while I could eventually get the
same work out of all of them, I far prefer the Macintosh for my work
platform because it's far easier for ME to work with, it's more
intuitive and they ALL work alike, 2 years old or 15 years old! Up
thru O/S 8.x they did, anyhow. 
That's changing. I recognize that.     
But, that's just me. Others may have other opinions. No problem with that.

It's just that I've not met very many who are equally proficient in
CADD or Graphics design on either machine that actually prefer Windows units...
These people predominately prefer the Mac.  IMMHO.

keith whaley

> Rob Studdert
> Tel +61-2-9554-4110
> UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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