On 1/13/03 3:15 PM, "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> tracing with a mouse is very hard too. following a path of any kind with a
> trackball is very hard and a mouse only slightly improves on it. drawing a
> freehand selection to match something in the image with a trackball is just
> about impossible. navigating menus and buttons is easier with a trackball
> than a mouse. drawing with a trackball isn't.

In complete agreement with above.  I guess what I was trying to say was, if
I was forced to choose between a trackball and a mouse, a mouse may have a
bit of edge, as I thought that was the original question (sort of).  Neither
one is suitable for any kind of freehand tracing situation.  I am going to
get a tablet.  When I have to clean up the edges of a shape freehand using a
trackball, all I can do is to blow up the image quite a bit so that any
error won't show up too much in the original size.  In any other case,
freehand tracing using these input devices (if one wants to do it with any
level of accuracy), is next to impossible.  I know it :-).



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