Steve wrote:

> When I tried some much darker scenes, the results were less good.  I
> tried pointing the camera into a starlit field, fairly dark, but
> trees, fences, etc., were quite easily visible to the eye.  The LX chose
> exposures of roughly 30 sec at f/5.6.  Rather short, I think, compared
> to some of the suggested exposure tables that I've seen, and sure enough,
> the negatives are so badly underexposed as to be useless.

The film you use is not familiar to me. You need to know the reciprocity 
sharacteristics of the film you use. Another issue is that the meter will be grossly 
fooled by any highlights like spotlight or even the moon. When I use Ektachrome 100VS 
pushed one stop the LX meter is dead on even when exposing for several minutes.


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