Actually, I have bought a stolen Item on e-bay, I hadn't a clue that there
was a problem and I paid a fair price for it. (In case anyone is interested
I still have the lens and the legal problem was resolved by a written deposition
to be used in court against the seller). I got the lens the original owner got
the insurance money and the thief went to jail. I thought it worked out well for
all concerned.

At 11:31 PM 1/13/2003 -0600, you wrote:
> I actually passed on an MZ-S (new) from a Canadian source who would
> only take the equivalent of cash. After multiple emails I still
> couldn't convince myself they were legitimate. Since they could not
> take a credit card or PayPal, I let the deal languish.
> Turns out another PDML'er with less fear-of-ripoff than me got that
> same brand new MZ-S.
> The price was only about $350, which was almost too good to be true -
> another point that discomfited me.

Well, there are a few eBay sellers I am personally convinced are fences. I'm
not saying that was the case here. But if you are dealing with stolen
merchandise then you can pay a low price in cash and still have the deal go

I can never mention which of the sellers I think are not legit, but I have
my suspicions and I personally would not touch them with somebody else's
ten-foot pole.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
    Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

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