----- Original Message -----
From: "Boris Liberman"
Subject: Re: Epson 2450 question

> Hi!
> Bill, from your response and from other responses I gather that Epson
> 2450 is a satisfactory film scanner, even for 35 mm film. It is not
> top quality, but I suppose to expect a top film scanning quality from
> flatbed scanner is at least illogical.
> OTOH, at the moment I am struggling with local labs. Obviously they
> wouldn't babysit and fine tune their machine for my films. So, quite
> often scans come out with very lousy quality.
> Another problem would be that for sure in Israel to find a dedicated
> film scanner would cost me at least 1.5 times more than its actual
> price. So I suppose I am left with little choice.
> The only thing that would stop me is too steep a price or too old a
> unit. Since none of you reported any aging problems or any mechanical
> glitches with your scanners I must conclude that Epson 2450 is a
> reasonably reliable machine.
> As for the scans themselves. I've witnessed a person who is going to
> sell me the scanner getting roughly 12 MP file from 35 mm negative. Of
> course 12 MP exceeds by some 3 MP maximal optical power of the sucker.
> Still the 30x40 cm print was very good. Since at the moment my aim is
> at most! 30x40 cm prints, I'd say it would be acceptable.
> My rough estimate would be that if it does not break down within a
> year, it will return the investment... Then it could be replaced or
> augmented with another device.
> Am I terribly wrong someplace in my reasoning?

I haven't had my machine long enough to know if it will be long term
reliable, I hope it will be.
My understanding is that the unit scans at 2400 dpi maximum, and presuming
that, I have been scanning film at that resolution, and getting 22mb or so
I can see grain in the scans with faster film, so I must be getting a fairly
sharp scan,
The Epson has no way built in to keep the film flat, it wouldn't surprise me
if perfect sharpness was an issue, but I have no complaints so far in that
I think your reasoning is pretty sound, even if you get a dedicated film
scanner at some point, the 2450 is still a heck of a nice flatbed.

William Robb

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