> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pål Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > 2.  Pros want one thing:  More megapixels.
> The typical DSLR pro, the photo journalist, don't care
> about Mp. They prefer the lower, semi-affordable DSLR,
> before the expensive, high-Mp DSLR's. It is ironic that the
> benchmark of SLR pro use is hardly about image quality at all.

This seems top be true, and leaves me wondering who's using all those

I've been talking to a lot of wedding/portrait shooters lately about
digital. One of the things I find interesting is that most of them
don't use the cameras at full resolution. The most popular camera
around here seems to be the D1x (followed by the S2), and nobody is
using it in raw or nec (?) mode. Mostly they use it in jpg mode, and
at the second highest resolution. They say they can get good 11x14's
this way.

It seems the main barrier to shooting in raw mode is transfer speed
and storage. A few of them will shoot at the highest resolution, but
only for shots they feel might get enlarged over 11x14, i.e. formal
portraits and that sort of thing.

On a side note, a lot of these guys couldn't live without the latest
autofocus. A friend of mine who normally shoots F5's, bought a D1x
over the 14n almost entirely due to the AF superiority of the D1x. He
thinks I'm a freak since I manually focus about 90% of my shots.

Sorry for rambling, but I've been thinking about digital a lot lately.


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