> this month's Shutterbug has an interesting opinion on this. define "better"
> first, is what they boil down to, and then you can decide if 35mm format
> good enough or not. for some people, grain or lack thereof, which is what
> tonality that medium and large format photographers treasure is derived
> from, doesn't matter. if in fact you want grain, then 35mm is far
> preferable. translated another way, if 35mm satisfies or defines your
> artistic vision, then anything larger isn't better. you see two photos
> taken with different formats and choose the one you like most. it turns out
> it is the larger one. someone else may say that they are different and that
> is all.

I actually feel this way. I like 35mm black-and-white prints better
technically. For instance, if you compare the prints in the book _Bruce
Davidson Portraits_ (mostly 35mm B&W) and the prints in _Werner Bischoff_
(mostly 2 1/4) I like the look of the Davidson prints better.

It's a matter of taste, so I don't argue that they ARE better, nor do I
disrespect (at all) any photographer who disagrees. But I also don't easily
accept it when people presume that larger is always better. That's an
opinion, not a fact....


P.S. What _Shutterbug_ article are you referring to exactly?

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